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Our Staff

At St Joseph's Pre-school we have some long established and experienced staff on our team.

There are fourteen staff in total who work with the children. Most staff work part-time but there is usually eight staff per session working with the children and one on non-contact time, which means we have a higher than standard staff to children ratio. We also have volunteers who help/work at the setting plus an Admin Assistant and our Cleaner/Caretaker who also assists with lunch time supervision.

The Centre Manager is full time, qualified to level 6 and has Early Years Professional Status. The Pre-school Manager has her Level 6. Nearly all other staff are qualified to level 2 or 3 or working towards higher qualifications too.


The Centre Manager is Mrs Cathy Williamson and the Pre-school Manager is Mrs Joanne Duffy.


All staff undertake regular training including Paediatric First Aid, Food Hygiene, Health and Safety, Learning Language and Loving It, and other Learning and Development courses, as well as regular In-service Training days. Two staff  also have Level 3 Forest School Leader certificates.



We currently have the following vacancy:-

L3 qualified Early Years Educator 


This post is Term time only (39 weeks plus 7 weeks paid holiday), to start in Jan/Feb 2025.

Please see Job Description/Specifications by clicking on the relevant vacancy above.

(Download general info about the setting HERE)

You can download an Application Form  HERE

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